interesting reptiles

3 Interesting Reptiles You May Have Never Seen Before

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! 

Just kidding! You’re not going to learn about them in this article; you’re going to learn about REPTILES! 

More specifically, you’re going to learn about some cool and interesting reptiles that you may have never heard of or seen before! 

But before we jump into the cool cold-blooded creatures, we’ve first got to discuss exactly what a reptile is!

Here at the Gettysburg Reptile Expo we are all about education and expanding on the ever-growing popularity that is owning, caring for, and even breeding these interesting reptiles and other cold-blooded creatures. 

So let’s jump right in and have a look at some of the most interesting reptiles in the world! 

What Is A Reptile?

A reptile is the umbrella term for a class of vertebrate animals that include:

  • Snakes
  • Lizards
  • Turtles
  • Tortoises
  • Crocodiles
  • Alligators

Reptiles are cold-blooded, which means they rely on the heat of their surroundings and environment to warm them up. Have you ever seen a turtle in Antarctica? Nope! and you probably never will! 

Reptiles are easily distinguishable because of their traits and characteristics. 

They have dry skin and scales or plates and they lay eggs! They won’t have live animals like a mammal would. 

You may sometimes confuse them with amphibians, but they are not the same! Amphibians are born with gills while reptiles are born with lungs. 

Common examples of amphibians include: 

  • Frogs
  • Toads
  • Salamanders
  • Newts
  • Axolotls

But we aren’t here to talk about amphibians. We are here for the REPTILES! So let’s jump right in and have a look at some of the most interesting reptiles in the world! 

Interesting Reptile 1: Spider-Man Lizard

interesting reptiles

What?! A lizard that looks like one of our favorite Avengers? Yes! A Spider-Man Lizard is actually a red-headed rock agama that lives in Africa. 

During the warmer parts of the day, a male Spider-Man Lizard becomes brightly colored with a red face and blue body! 

They grow to become about 14-15 inches in length and survive on small prey and insects in their surroundings. 

Interesting Reptile 2: Legless Lizards

interesting reptiles

Yes, you read that right; a legless lizard! Isn’t a legless lizard a snake? NOPE. 

A European legless lizard also called a glass lizard can grow up to 4 feet and can be primarily found in the southern parts of Europe to Central Asia. 

Their color makes them look similar to an earthworm but on a giant scale! They are distinguishable from snakes by ears, eyes, and ventral scales. 

Legless lizards have an incredibly strong bite which makes it easy for them to catch and eat their prey without any use of limbs. 

Interesting Reptile 3: Blue-Tongued Skink

interesting reptiles

When you were a kid didn’t you love showing off your blue tongue after eating a blue lollipop or popsicle? Well, a blue-tongued skink gets to show off their blue-hued tongue 24/7, 365! 

Blue-tongued skinks have a brightly colored tongue to ward off animals in their natural habitat. In nature, brightly colored hues equal poison! They are found in Africa and have brown and gray coloring. 

They are particularly calm, well-mannered, and slow creatures which makes them great pets! Blue-tongued skins are a great pet for small children getting into the reptile world! 

Want To See More Interesting Reptiles? Visit the Gettysburg Reptile Expo! 

If you want to see these and other interesting reptiles, visit the Gettysburg Expo! We have the largest reptile expo in the tri-state area and can’t wait for you to see what we’ve got. 

We’ve got lots of vendors with hundreds of slimy, slithery and scaly creatures for you to see and learn about. 

You’ll be sure to leave the event with a new favorite creature in mind! 

To learn more about our expo, check out our latest article that talks about a “reptile convention near me” and what makes us different from the rest! 

You can also contact us for more information about vendors and upcoming events.

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